Resveratrol for Lyme disease – is it worth adding to your treatment protocol?
Resveratrol has been hyped up by a lot of famous folks on talk shows and elsewhere, often as a way of proving that red wine is good for you.
Hint: If you have Lyme disease, you don’t want to have ANYTHING with alcohol in it, no matter what anyone says. Furthermore, you can get a lot more health benefits from pure grape juice than from wine, anyway.
But what about resveratrol? It was part of my Lyme treatment protocol for a while, then we started trying a few other things to aggressively target the little “bugs” themselves (my particular cocktail of Lyme and co-infections includes Burelia, Babesia, Bartonella, and perhaps a couple more). The resveratrol kind of got forgotten about.
But after reading the following article from the Lyme Disease Research Database, I have decided to add it back in. As I recall, it DID do some good, and I need some good, right now.
I am presently taking a very high dose of antibiotics, and this old body can use all the help it can get.
In the mean time, I encourage you to read the article below. It could help you a lot.
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