Lyme Links, links to sites, studies, research, etc.
Lyme links posted here are for educational purposes, and are not an endorsement of any of the organizations, individuals or studies. These are all positive links, in that those represented have recognized the existence of both Lyme disease and of CHRONIC Lyme disease, as well as its co-infections.
If you have any questions or are not finding what you need, please use the CONTACT page. It is best to use email, as the phone cannot always be answered. With that said, I love to talk to people and will answer the phone if I can.
Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Lyme Research, Education & Assistance Society
International Lyme And Associated Diseases Society
Lyme Disease Association of Ontario
Lyme MD Lyme Research
Lyme Research Database Member Site, Free and Paid MembershipsLyme Zone
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME, CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (USA)
Neuropsychiatric Assessment of Lyme Disease, The
Pure Lab Vitamins Great blog source for great health information
Responding to a New England Journal of Medicine
Critical Appraisal of “Chronic Lyme Disease”