A Truly Spectacular Health Improvement in 2022
Any health improvement for those of us with chronic – or long term Lyme Disease is a very good thing. But this year I have been blessed with a truly spectacular health improvement.
If you’ve been following this blog, you will recall the article titled, Environment and Lyme Disease – a 1st Level Consideration. In it, I speculated on the relationship between chronic Lyme Disease and the environment.
This is because those of us who have Lyme Disease live all the time with our bodies on system overload. Anything added to the load pushes us close to or even beyond our limits.
Air pollution is known to be a major contributor to respiratory health issues, yet we seldom hear it talked about in relationship to Lyme Disease. Yet how could it not affect us?
Quick Recap
As you might recall, I had visited northern Canada, north of the trade winds from Asia (and specifically China, which burns a vast amount of coal for electricity). While there, I noticed that my fatigue and pain almost totally disappeared! But as soon as I went south, it came back.
By that point, I had been many places, with greatly varying elevations and humidity levels, yet nothing had ever changed. My fatigue and pain were always the same. So when everything just about completely went away, I went through a list in my head of possible reasons and finally came to the conclusion that the one thing really different up there was the almost total lack of air pollution.
Although I hadn’t read anything about environment and Lyme disease, my Lyme doctor was intrigued. He thought it could be a good idea to move away from all the air pollution. It just made sense that it mighty my body a fighting chance.
Then COVID hit and we could not return to the area.
Making the big move
But then in the spring of 2022, we were finally able to sell our property in the south and buy a small place in
Tātl’ā (Dease Lake, BC). We made the move north at the end of June, 2022.
It really was a major, major move. We had lived in the same house for more than 30 years, raised all our children there, and now have 6 of our 10 grandchildren living in the same area.
At nearly 2000 km (1000 miles), it required being able to get a big enough truck to take everything we were taking in one trip. That’s a huge undertaking, especially when you’ve lived in one place so long. But that’s what we did.
Spectacular health improvement
My health improvement has been nothing short of spectacular. I noticed a change even by the time we reached Williams Lake, BC, on the day we left the coast. I didn’t need my midday pain medication!
But it got even better. In fact, I had enough energy to drive from 5:30 am when we went to catch the ferry, until almost 1 am when we arrived in New Hazelton, BC. In fact, we made the entire trip in well under 2 days, although we had planned for 3. Then we had to unload a 26 foot van almost entirely by ourselves, and my wife’s knees were giving out.
But it gets even better! My health continued to improve. My energy levels were soon back to nearly what they were before I got sick in 2007. I went off ALL my medication. I got COVID 19 about two weeks after getting here, yet carried on getting in and splitting all our winter wood, although I did need to rest more often. COVID 19 isn’t pleasant, and I am thankful my body handled it so well. It was very hard on Kathy! (Thankfully, she recovered well, but it took a while.)
How much better?
I will not say I am cured 100%. I still have a little pain and fatigue, but nothing like I had for all those years. I no longer need any pain medication or any other medication for it. I am not crashing.
I still notice that I do better on bright days than on dark ones. So, while I am thoroughly enjoying the cold, bright winter days, it’s even better in the longer days we will soon be approaching as we pass the winter solstice on December 21st. But although the days get very short here in the midwinter, they are still brighter than the dull wet winter days of the south coast.
We have now been living here for 6 months. My health improvement has been spectacular. My energy is back. My constant pain is gone. I have lost more than 50 pounds. I’m getting in shaped again. It’s awesome – especially since I’ve been sick so long and no longer as young as I once was!
So no matter what you’re going through with your health, never give up. Keep on fighting. Keep looking for answers. Keep on moving. And remember, no matter how bad you might feel, somebody needs you and you might even be the difference to someone else that keeps them going, too!
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