Find a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor or Practitioner

Find a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor or Practitioner

Find a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD) or practitioner in your area.  Help is available in the search.  Such help likely saved my life!

It can be a great challenge to find a physician willing to treat Lyme Disease in most areas of Canada, as well as in the United States, and many other countries.  There is support and there are folks with hints and directions on how to find a Lyme Literate Practitioner in your area.  Remember that many MDs you may discover are often working under the radar and do not want to have their work openly advertised.  Please respect that.

find lyme literate doctor
Tall grass is lovely to walk in but also a tick’s favorite hunting ground!

In Canada, as of the summer of 2017, it is now being reported that 100% of medical doctors who were treating chronic or long term Lyme disease in Canada have been shut down.  We have heard “through the gravevine” that this isn’t completely true, but it is true that no MDs are openly treating anthing but the acute form of the disease now in Canada.

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With that said, there is help!  If you are having difficulty finding a doctor in your area, use our Contact page to request help.  We do not need your physical address, but we DO need your email address and location (City plus State or Province plus Country).  We have access to information that we cannot publish online or can send you to those who have that kind of access.

Lyme disease is a world wide problem, at least in the northern hemisphere.  If you are in Europe, we have some hope for you, as well.

Please note:  This site is not for the diagnosis or treatment of any kind of disease or health issue!  It is here for informational purposes and advocacy, only.  Lyme disease and its associated diseases is a very complex issue and the challenges are many.  We hope the information and links provided here can help you to find the help you need.need lyme literate practitioner

Help is available, more now than ever before.  Do not give up.  It might feel like your life has been stripped of all joy and you’re just wrapped up in an endless blur of potions and pills, but it can still be a lot better!

If you’re feeling down, reach out!  People care.  I care.  I know where you are, because I’ve bee there.  I’m still in the battle, but I can still see and enjoy the beauty in life, in spite of the struggle.

If you’re feeling down and can’t seem to get anywhere, reach out.  Use the contact page to get hold of me!  I will see your message and I will get back to you.

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3 thoughts on “Find a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor or Practitioner

  1. I live in TN. I and my teenage son have had Lyme Dx for greater than 16 years. I have no resources left to pay for the care we need. Do I have options? How can I apply. I had resolved to dying from this, with Co-infections untold made aware of this site by a man on twitter. Because of the Neuro involvement I can’t even figure out how to properly use Twitter. I just have begun trying any route I can find to save my son and happened upon this link. Please help!!!

    1. I am sorry for taking so long to reply. I also have chronic lyme, but am able to function much better than I used to. Still, it takes all my energy and leaves me short of time constantly.

      My best recommendation to you right now is to go to the ILADS help page and ask for help. I have not been able to keep up with practitioners at my end, because they are booked solid so quickly. ILADS has an army of helpers, now.

      You can also talk to Dr. M (retired) or one of his volunteers at the Murakami Centre for Lyme. They are a wealth of information, especially on ways to support your health apart from the regular medical system.

  2. I am just now seeing this info as I have had a downward turn myself. I am very sorry for your pain and I’ll ess. I appreciate so much you taking the time and effort to respond to me. I will seek help from ILADS. I hope to stay in touch as time and health permits. I care passionately about eor but particularly for those with this so incredibly evil disease(s).
    Sincerely, Shann

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